Santiago v. Petal Productions Events Corp.
JCC Medina-Shore (Miami) (Andrew Borah) (5-24-23) – Denied E/C paid attorney’s fees. The JCC found the E/C timely authorized the medical care requested in the 3/28/19 PFB. The 3/28/19 PFB requested authorization of a PCP in Miami. The claimant moved to NC and filed a new PFB on 4/22/19 in NC requesting authorization of a PCP in NC. The E/C agreed to authorize Concentra in NC at mediation 1.5 months later. The E/C agreed to fees/costs on the 4/22/19 PFB. The claimant’s attorney argued he was owed fees on the 3/28/19 PFB because the E/C knew the claimant had already moved when it authorized the PCP in Miami. The JCC also found the email from OC to the E/C on 4/16/19 notifying him of the claimant’s move does not trigger fee entitlement, only a PFB does. Click here to view Order