

Ternes v. AFP Management Corp. / MEMIC
HR Law Cases
JCC Kerr (Miami) (Andy Borah for the E/C)(7-1-21) – Denied claimant’s amendment to Pretrial Stipulation, TPD benefits, attorney’s fees, and costs. The claimant argued that the claim for “Penalties and Interest: P&I for TP from March 1, 2020 through December 21, 2020” was scrivener’s error and sought to amend the pretrial claim at Final Hearing to a claim for TPD from 3/23/2020 to 12/20/2020 plus penalties and interest. The claimant argued that the parties tried the issue by consent and... View More
New Law Governing Physician Assistants
Case Law Updates Firm News
The legislature has passed a new law governing Physician Assistants.  Effective July 1, 2021, the change that most impacts handling of WC claims is that the law prohibits PA’s from assigning MMI or a PIR in a WC case. Section 458.347, Fla. Stat.Summary of Changes(effective July 1, 2021) ·         Increases the maximum number of P.A.’s per physician from 4 to 10.·         P.A.’s permitted to prescribe medical devices and medications·         Prescriptions written by P.A.’s must have the name of both the... View More