Ternes v. AFP Management Corp. / MEMIC
JCC Kerr (Miami) (Andy Borah for the E/C)(7-1-21) – Denied claimant’s amendment to Pretrial Stipulation, TPD benefits, attorney’s fees, and costs. The claimant argued that the claim for “Penalties and Interest: P&I for TP from March 1, 2020 through December 21, 2020” was scrivener’s error and sought to amend the pretrial claim at Final Hearing to a claim for TPD from 3/23/2020 to 12/20/2020 plus penalties and interest. The claimant argued that the parties tried the issue by consent and... View More
New Law Governing Physician Assistants
The legislature has passed a new law governing Physician Assistants. Effective July 1, 2021, the change that most impacts handling of WC claims is that the law prohibits PA’s from assigning MMI or a PIR in a WC case. Section 458.347, Fla. Stat.Summary of Changes(effective July 1, 2021) · Increases the maximum number of P.A.’s per physician from 4 to 10.· P.A.’s permitted to prescribe medical devices and medications· Prescriptions written by P.A.’s must have the name of both the... View More