

Calderon v. Super Landscape & Maintenance Inc.
HR Law Cases
Kate E. Albin JCC Kerr (Miami) – (1-7-19)– Denied AWW correction, indemnity benefits, and medical benefits. Claimant alleged injury to his left shoulder and groin when carrying a heavy bin of coconuts. Claims were filed against Employer #1, his alleged actual employer and Employer #2 who he alleged was interchangeable with Employer #1 as they were both owned by the same individual. JCC rejected Claimant’s testimony based on numerous inconsistencies between his sworn and live testimony and lack of evidence... View More
Case Law Update January 2019
Case Law Updates
This Update contains summaries of all relevant Appellate decisions for the preceding week, with comments on how a particular decision affects you. In addition, we review daily the Merit Orders posted on the DOAH website. This Update contains summaries and links to relevant JCC decisions for the past week. Please feel free to contact Rogers Turner ( with questions or comments on any of the listed cases. DCA Cases 2-1-19 Last week, Bill Rogner received a PCA without written opinion... View More
United States Fire Insurance Company and Oxford Shops of South Florida v.Hackett
HR Law Cases
Bill Rogner and Andrew Borah Fla.1st DCA (12/14/2018) Petitions to Modify/Compelling IME The claimant’s injury occurred in 1985. She received 24 hour a day attendant care from her husband and daughter, whom the E/C each paid over $31,000 a year. The claimant stopped seeing her doctor in 2012, but continued signing off on the timesheets. Thereafter, the E/C obtained surveillance which clearly showed the husband and daughter were not providing the care they were attesting to on time sheets. The... View More
United States Fires Ins. Co./Oxford Shops of S. FL v. Hackett
HR Law Cases
Bill Rogner The claimant’s injury occurred in 1985. Per a 1999 Final Order she received 24 hour a day attendant care from her husband and *daughter in law*, whom the E/C each paid over $31,000 a year. The claimant stopped seeing her doctor in 2012, but continued signing off on the timesheets. Thereafter, the E/C obtained surveillance which clearly showed the daughter in law was not providing the care attested to on time sheets. The E/C sought to file a... View More
Case Law Update December 2018
Case Law Updates
This Update contains summaries of all relevant Appellate decisions for the preceding week, with comments on how a particular decision affects you. In addition, we review daily the Merit Orders posted on the DOAH website. This Update contains summaries and links to relevant JCC decisions for the past week. Please feel free to contact Rogers Turner ( with questions or comments on any of the listed cases. HRMCW Cases United States Fires Ins. Co./Oxford Shops of S. FL v. Hackett,... View More
Bejerano v. Best Awnings, & FrankCrum 8 Inc.
HR Law Cases
Paul L. Luger JCC Havers (Miami) – (11-30-18) – Denied all claims – Pro se claimant alleged a repetitive back injury, which was denied. The Judge found that the claimant failed to meet his burden of proving he had suffered an accidental compensable injury arising out of work performed in the course and scope of his employment.View JCC Merits Order View More