

Delano vs. YRC Freight / Sedgwick
HR Law Cases
Scott B. Miller Judge Owens (Port St. Lucie) (3-23-18) – Denied claim for correction of Social Security Offset. The E/C included PTD supplemental benefits when the SS offset was initially calculated, which the claimant argued should not have been included. Citing to several 1st DCA rulings, as well as Rule 69L-3.01945(f)b), F.A.C., the JCC agreed with the E/C and concluded that supplemental benefits are to be included in calculating the SS offset. The JCC also held that preliminary offset amount... View More
Rousseau v. Randstad North America, Inc. and ESIS/ACE American Insurance Company
HR Law Cases
Kate E. Albin JCC Forte (Fort Lauderdale) – (3-22-18) – Denied PCP/followup, treatment with an ortho. – The claimant had a compensable right knee injury. She declined medical care at the time of accident, and did not seek authorized care until more than 18 months after the accident. The E/C authorized a PCP, who diagnosed the claimant with a right knee injury, cause undetermined. The E/C denied further care based on a lack of major contributing cause. Both parties obtained... View More
Albuquerque v. Anima Domus / AmTrust North America of Florida
HR Law Cases
Andrew R. Borah JCC Havers (Miami)(3-17-18) – Denied claims for physical therapy and pain management. The E/C accepted a cervical sprain strain and shoulder sprain, which ultimately proceeded to an EMA (Rozencwaig). The JCC accepted the EMA opinions that the claimant’s cervical strain and shoulder had resolved. The EMA opined the claimant’s pre-existing degenerative disease was the MCC of his complaints. The JCC rejected the EMA opinion that the claimant suffered no cervical injury from the work place event, as... View More
Peddicord v. Southeast Personnel Leasing, Inc. / Packard Claims.
HR Law Cases
Anthony M. Amelio JCC Dietz – Sebastian/Melbourne (3-16-18)– Denied all benefits based on Misrepresentation defense. The claimant slipped on the tailgate of his work truck 8/15, injuring his neck and left shoulder. Authorized doctors diagnosed a cervical strain and assigned restrictions, including a ten pound lifting restriction, no overhead lifting, and no climbing. An orthopedic surgeon diagnosed cervical disc disorder with radiculopathy which was treated with an epidural injection, physical therapy and light duty restrictions. Claimant requested a one-time change... View More
Case Law Update March 2018
Case Law Updates
This Update contains summaries of all relevant Appellate decisions for the preceding week, with comments on how a particular decision affects you. In addition, we review daily the Merit Orders posted on the DOAH website. This Update contains summaries and links to relevant JCC decisions for the past week. Please feel free to contact Rogers Turner ( with questions or comments on any of the listed cases. District Court of Appeal Cases City of Jacksonville/City of Jacksonville Risk Mgmt. v.... View More
Case Law Update February 2018
Case Law Updates
This Update contains summaries of all relevant Appellate decisions for the preceding week, with comments on how a particular decision affects you. In addition, we review daily the Merit Orders posted on the DOAH website. This Update contains summaries and links to relevant JCC decisions for the past week. Please feel free to contact Rogers Turner ( with questions or comments on any of the listed cases. District Court of Appeal Cases Edward Paradis v. Neptune Fish Market/RetailFirst Insurance Co.... View More