

Cabadias v. SE Personnel Leasing / JJG Lopez Construction / Packard Claims
HR Law Cases
JCC Medina-Shore (Miami) (Tony Amelio) (6-30-23) – Granted E/C’s Motion to Enforce Settlement.  The claimant denied accepting a $7,500.00 settlement offer at telephonic mediation.  The JCC accepted the testimony of the claimant’s attorney and counsel for the E/C that the settlement offer was explained to the claimant in Spanish and he accepted same at mediation.  As such, a binding settlement was reached. Click here to view Order View More
Ervin v. David Costa Enterprises, Inc. / Zenith
HR Law Cases
JCC Newman (Tallahassee) (Matt Bennett) (6-20-23)– Denied claims for TPD, penalties, interest, attorney’s fees and costs. On June 8, 2022, the claimant severely injured and lost the tip of her right thumb when the door of a restaurant safe slammed shut and caught her thumb. The claimant was taken by ambulance to the Southeast Medical Center in Dothan, Alabama, where she came under the care of Dr. Patrick Guin, a board-certified orthopedic surgeon. The claimant was diagnosed with a traumatic... View More