

Alceus v. Consulate Health Care / Alternative Service Concepts
HR Law Cases
JCC Grindal (Sarasota) (Paul Terlizzese) (12-14-22) – Denied claim for TPD.  The JCC found the claimant resigned from suitable post-injury employment.  The JCC further found the employer continued to have suitable employment within the claimant’s physical restrictions up through the date of MMI.   Click here to view Order View More
Sublett-Bowman v. Unifi / Delta Airlines / Gallagher Bassett
HR Law Cases
JCC Moneyham (Panama City Beach) (Matt Bennett)(12-14-22) – The JCC accepted the E/C’s AWW, denying a claimed increase, and awarded a finite period of TTD benefits.  The claimant sought inclusion of an unpaid $750.00 summer sign-on bonus in the AWW.  The bonus was never paid.  The employer testified that the claimant came to work at the end of the summer and as such, was not eligible for the summer sign-on bonus.  Since the bonus was never paid, the JCC did... View More
Robertson v. John Knox Village / MEMIC
HR Law Cases
JCC Lewis (Fort Lauderdale) (Kate Albin)(12-2-22) Denied all benefits based on no timely notice and MCC.  The Claimant, a CNA, alleged a lifting injury to the low back in January 2022.  She acknowledged that the first time she reported it to a supervisor was April 29, 2022.  The Claimant testified that this was because her back pain went away and she started having leg pain, which she did not realize was related to the back pain.  The judge found that... View More
Avila v. Los Taquitos Mexican Food II, LLC
HR Law Cases
JCC Weiss (Ft. Myers) (Jonathan Cooley) (11-16-22) – Denied compensability.  Claimant was hired to work on a taco food truck after replying to a help wanted ad posted by “Los Taquitos Mexican Food.” The Claimant was hired by a person named Santos and earned $10 per hour cash; her job duties included cutting meat and making tortillas. On the accident date, the Claimant fell off the truck and broke her hand. The employer Los Taquitos Mexican Food II, LLC was owned... View More
Case Law Update November 2022
Case Law Updates
Updated 11-30-22 Manso v. Southeast Personnel Leasing, Inc.,  ___So.3d___(Fla.1st DCA 11/2/22) (Bill Rogner) The E/C utilized a peer review physician.  They then sought an IME.  The Claimant sought to quash the Order compelling the IME via a Petition for Writ of Certiorari.  The Claimant argued the E/C was seeking an alternate IME.  However, the E/C was only seeking an initial IME.  The Claimant’s Petition for Writ of Certiorari was denied.  Click here to view Order Wyatt v. Polk County Board of Commissioners,... View More