

Reichert v. INVO PEO / SUNZ Insurance
HR Law Cases
JCC Anthony (Tampa) – (Greg White)(9-14-22) – The JCC denied all benefits.  While the JCC rejected the E/C’s misrepresentation defense, the claimant’s credibility was questioned by the JCC.  The claimant alleged an injury to multiple body parts purportedly from being bounced in a truck.  The claimant was difficult in deposition testimony and did deny prior relevant conditions.  He also provided different descriptions of accident. The claimant could not identify a specific event that caused his alleged injuries, but felt it... View More
Mercedes v. SE Personnel Leasing / Packard
HR Law Cases
JCC Holley – Jacksonville (Tony Amelio)(9-2-22) – Denied claim for evaluation and treatment with Dr. Cohen for a herniated disc at L5-S1.  The E/C defended the claim on res judicata, collateral estoppel, and law of the case.  A prior Final Order, upheld on appeal, found the IA was not the major contributing cause of the claimant’s low back condition.  The JCC reviewed the transcript of the prior final hearing and determined that the L5-S1 disc herniation was contemplated in the... View More
Evans v. Vets USA II, Inc. / Amtrust
HR Law Cases
JCC Hedler – West Palm Beach (Andrew Borah)(8-25-22) – Denied the Claimant’s Notice of Conflict seeking an EMA.  A dispute existed between the Claimant’s IME, Dr. Langone, and the E/C’s IME, Dr. Stein, on MCC of the Claimant’s hand injuries.  The JCC accepted the E/C’s argument that the Notice of Conflict was untimely.  The JCC noted the dispute was known to the parties even prior to the filing of the PFB and the notice was filed less than two months... View More